A Day at the Park

The other weekend, despite Euna running a cold, being that it was such a lovely sunny day, we decided to go out and take a stroll in the Parramatta Park which is about 10-15 minutes walk from where we're staying.

by the tudor gatehouse
Euna with Papa and the Tudor gatehouse in the background.

It was a great day to just relax, take in the scenery and snapshots of it.

euna smiling despite being a bit sick
Euna wasn't really in tip-top shape that day but it didn't stop her from smiling or taking an interest at the birds and ducks that her father was pointing out to her.

I played around with the programmable settings of the D40 and came up with these (no post-processing, just added photo credit and resizing):

Governor House in the background which we didn't even explore because we are such cheapskates.

My favorite among the lot. It has a 50s/60s Americana vibe to it.

I don't really have time to research every place we go to these days and so we missed out on a lot of activities/things to do when in the area. For the list of things that you can do in Parramatta Park, just check out their website.

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