Oh Yes! I've Finally Climbed...

sydney bridge background
I couldn't wait for Saturday to finally arrive. Climbing the Sydney Bridge (pictured above) is one of the things that I really wanted to do while here in Australia.

disco shoes
I even bought a pair of rubber-soled shoes just for the occasion. Not my typical footwear but these were on sale (only 18 AUD!) and I wasn't going to take a chance on not being able to climb the bridge because of inappropriate shoes! Turns out they have shoes that you could borrow (I found used sneakers under the suit chute after the climb).

cursory shot
Yours truly with my fab shoes before the climb. I got quite a few comments from the climb guide because of these. Attention I did not really need but I guess the shoes were asking for it.

Much drama transpired the night and morning before the climb (very nearly did not push through), but thanks and no thanks to my husband...
It's now time to sign the info sheet and waiver and the climb is just but minutes away!

suit room
After signing and taking and passing the breathalyzer test (we stuck to soft drinks during lunch), we were ushered into the suit room where each of us were sized up and given suits and over pants.

all suited up
Now we're all geared up and ready to go!

No cameras were allowed during the climb and we were even made to pass through a metal detector! That was just unfortunate as I don't think I'd be able to remember for a lifetime the views we saw that lovely afternoon and it definitely was one of the most breathtaking I've seen!
group pic
No offense to the climb guide but this was the best group pic he took of us with the iconic Sydney Opera House in the background.

I really didn't dwell much on my fear of heights before the climb. During the climb, there was a bit of trepidation on my end but having all the gear and equipment and seeing that they really have a process assuaged me. We were connected to a cable via the belt and we also had rain gear with us just in case it rains and fleece blanket when things would get too cold. Not to fret as for that afternoon climb which was peg at 15 degrees, my cousin and best friend from college found themselves sweating.

one of the stars
If you look closely, you'll find Nicole Kidman, Matt Damon, and Will Smith among others.

As part of the climb fee, we were given a certificate and group pic. For the group pic, we had to fork over extra for those.

Impregnated?! Isn't there any other word in the dictionary?

Was it worth it? It definitely wasn't cheap. It would have been so much better had I been able to bring my camera with me (all the breathtaking views!). And might I just say that even with the express climb, it took 2.5 hours and it was tiring (I don't exercise)! Though, I'd do it again in a heartbeat if cameras were allowed.

For more info of the Sydney Bridge climb, visit their website.


emee said...

Gang, uban ninyo si Mel? daughter ni Auntie Gaya? Kinsa nag yaya kai euna?

Nice au Gang bah. It's good kita na diai mo ni Albert.

iSSa said...

eeeee! kacute sa shoes oy!! hahaha! =) kinsa nagbantay kay euna rye? abi nako apil sya ug climb, pang hardcore ra diay na'.. saw the koala pics, cuuuuute ayu oy!! unta magka koala diri sa pinas, hehe
.-= iSSa´s last blog ..baby clothes for sale! - =-.

rye said...

uban namo si mel ma pagclimb. si auntie kadali nagbantay kai euna.

rye said...

akong auntie nagbantay sa yaha mels. d jud tawon pde dal.on ang baby. bitaw, kyuuuut kau ang mga koala. tempting jud kau kuptan!

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